I had the great honor to be invited to the Consultation on Interfaith Peace Building in Cyprus, September 2010. This remarkable event was hosted by the "International Fellowship of Reconciliation - Women Peacemakers Program". The focus of this first consultation was the need for a Gender Perspective to be included in interfaith peace building efforts.
It was a wonderful experience to meet so many amazing women from all over the world, who had so much to share and contribute to this very important on-going work in the name of peace. I felt truly blessed to be in the presence of such dynamic women who do incredible work to make this world a better place for all of us. I was inspired and motivated to further continue in my commitment to peace work. I am delighted with the opportunity to work together in this genuine effort for peace building for the betterment of our humanity.
I fully support and endorse IFOR Women Peacemakes Program in their quest for creating a more peaceful world, through initiatives such as these. We would love your support and contribution towards these peace building efforts. For more information, please visit www.ifor.org or contact me personally.
Below is a brief description of IFOR -WPP's focus on interfaith peace building efforts:
On the verge of the tenth anniversary of UNSCR 1325, the momentum is there to increase the support for women peacebuilders within the different faith traditions, as well as to support the inclusion of a gender perspective in faith-based and inter-faith peacebuilding. Pioneering progressive theologians and peace activists from different spiritual traditions and different regions are being formed as working groups to use the gender-perspective and the multiple roles of religion in current conflicts, both as cause of war and as incentive to peace building.
With much love and gratitude to the IFOR - WPP Team and to my beautiful sisters from around the world! Your presence was truly a gift and a memorable occasion for me.