Monday, March 31, 2008

Earth Hour 2008

Hello Dear Friends,

Last Saturday was Earth Hour from 8pm-9pm on 29 March 2008. I hope you participated and it was a good experience for you. I had some wonderful people over in my home and we made a fun event out of it. First, all of us had a simple dinner of spaghetti and pizza at 7pm. I explained to the kids present about the Earth Hour and what we were going to do next. Just before 8pm, we started switching off most of the electrical appliances and the lights in my home. Then, we lit up some candles and all of us sat in a circle in my living hall. We ended up talking and playing some really fun games for an hour, creating some great memories along the way.

Earth Hour began as a stand to create awareness of the impact of global warming and what we can do, to begin the healing process of our beloved planet Earth. This movement began in Sydney last year and this year it became a global event. Do check out their website for more info and do participate in next year's event.

Wonderful Story -- The Five Lessons

I received this e-mail from a wonderful friend and would like to share it with you today. Wishing you a good day and a great week ahead.

Five (5) Lessons to Make You Think About the Way We Treat People.

1 - First Important Lesson - Cleaning Lady.

During my second month of college, our professor gave us a pop quiz. I was a conscientious student and had breezed through the questions until I read the last one: 'What is the first name of the woman who cleans the school?' Surely this was some kind of joke. I had seen the cleaning woman several times. She was tall, dark-haired and in her 50s, but how would I know her name? I handed in my paper, leaving the last question blank.

Just before class ended, one student asked if the last question would count toward our quiz grade. 'Absolutely,' said the professor. 'In your careers, you will meet many people. All are significant. They deserve your attention and care, even if all you do is smile and say 'hello.' I've never forgotten that lesson. I also learned her name was Dorothy.

2. - Second Important Lesson - Pickup in the Rain.

One night, at 11:30 p.m., an elderly African-American woman was standing on the side of an Alabama highway trying to endure a lashing rainstorm. Her car had broken down and she desperately needed a ride. Soaking wet, she decided to flag down the next car.

A young white man stopped to help her, generally unheard of in those conflict-filled 60s.. The man took her to safety, helped her get assistance and put her into a taxicab. She seemed to be in a big hurry, but wrote down his address and thanked him.

Seven days went by and a knock came on the man's door. To his surprise, a giant console color TV was delivered to his home. A special note was attached.. It read: 'Thank you so much for assisting me on the highway the other night.. The rain drenched not only my clothes, but also my spirits. Then you came along. Because of you, I was able to make i t to my dying husband's bedside just before he passed away... God bless you for helping me and unselfishly serving others.' Sincerely, Mrs. Nat King Cole.

3 - Third Important Lesson - Always remember those who serve.

In the days when an ice cream sundae cost much less, a 10-year-old boy entered a hotel coffee shop and sat at a table. A waitress put a glass of water in front of him. 'How much is an ice cream sundae?' he asked. 'Fifty cents,' replied the waitress.

The little boy pulled is hand out of his pocket and studied the coins in it. 'Well, how much is a plain dish of ice cream?' he inquired. By now more people were waiting for a table and the waitress was growing impatient. 'Thi rty-five cents,' she brusquely replied. The little boy again counted his coins. 'I'll have the plain ice cream,' he said. The waitress brought the ice cream, put the bill on the table and walked away.

The boy finished the ice cream, paid the cashier and left. When the waitress came back, she began to cry as she wiped down the table. There, placed neatly beside the empty dish, were two nickels and five pennies.. You see, he couldn't have the sundae, because he had to have enough left to leave her a tip.

4 - Fourth Im portant Lesson. - The obstacle in Our Path.

In ancient times, a King had a boulder placed on a roadway. Then he hid himself and watched to see if anyone would remove the huge rock. Some of the king's wealthiest merchants and courtiers came by a nd simply walked around it. Many loudly blamed the King for not keeping the roads clear, but none did anything about getting the stone out of the way.

Then a peasant came along carrying a load of vegetables. Upon approaching the boulder, the peasant laid down his burden and tried to move the stone to the side of the road. After much pushing and straining, he finally succeeded.

After the peasant picked up his load of vegetables, he noticed a purse lying in the road where the boulder had been. The purse contained many gold coins and a note from the King indicating that the gold was for the person who removed the boulder from the roadway. The peasant lea r ned what many of us never understand! Every obstacle presents an opportunity to improve our condition.

5 - Fifth Important Lesson - Giving When it Counts...

Many years ago, when I worked as a volunteer at a hospital, I got to know a little girl named Liz who was suffering from a rare & serious disease. Her only chance of recovery appeared to be a blood transfusion from her 5-year old brother, who had miraculously survived the same disease and had developed the antibodies needed to combat the illness.

The doctor explained the situation to her little brother, and asked the little boy if he would be willing to give his blood to his sister. I saw him hesitate for only a moment before taking a deep breath and saying, 'Yes I'll do it if it will save her.' As the transfusion progressed, he lay in bed next to his sister and smiled, as we all did, seeing the color returning to her c he ek.

Then his face grew pale and his smile faded. He looked up at the doctor and asked with a trembling voice, 'Will I start to die right away'. Being young, the little boy had misunderstood the doctor; he thought he was going to have to give his sister all of his blood in order to save her.

'Work like you don't need the money, love like you've never been hurt, and dance like you do when nobody's watching.'

In the cookies of life, the chocolate chips are my friends

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Great Book -- Leaving Microsoft to Change the World

I really enjoyed reading this book by John Wood about "Leaving Microsoft to Change the World". It was so re-assuring for me to read his experience, thoughts and feelings because I could relate to it. The name of his organization is "Room to Read" and it has a successful strategy for addressing the lack of educational opportunities for children that includes:

* Partnering with villages to build schools

* Establishing libraries and filling them with donated English books and local-language books

* Providing computer and language labs to improve employment skills

* Providing scholarships for under-priviliged young girls who cannot afford fees that are
required of all students, even those attending public schools.

To increase the likelihood for success and long-term sustainability, Room to Read enlists community involvement and co-investment.

This book has given me great ideas of how to further support the informal refugee community schools and others who have dire educational needs. To learn more, do visit their website and support them at:

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Is Your Life Scheduled for Headaches or Happiness?

A dear friend sent me an e-mail about a story titled "I Ate Ice-Cream". I thought it was really good, especially in reference to how we seem to schedule and prioritize our life for "headaches" as opposed to happiness. Last night, I scheduled myself for happiness and saw Harry Connick Jr perform live at the Philharmonic Hall in Kuala Lumpur. He looked fantastic and his voice was amazing! I never thought I'd ever see Harry Connick Jr in person, but now I have. So, what did I learn? Always have dreams, never give up and schedule your life for happiness!

I Ate Ice-Cream

Too many people put off something that brings them joy just because they haven't thought about it, don't have it on their schedule, didn't know it was coming or are too rigid to depart from their routine. I got to thinking one day about all those women on the Titanic who passed up dessert at dinner that fateful night in an effort to cut back.

From then on, I've tried to be a little more flexible. How many women out there will eat at home because their husband didn't suggest going out to dinner until after something had been thawed? Does the word "refrigeration" mean nothing to you? How often have your kids dropped in to talk and sat in silence while you watched ' Jeopardy' on television?

I cannot count the times I called my sister and said, "How about going to lunch in a half hour?" She would gasp and stammer, "I can't. I have clothes on the line. My hair is dirty. I wish I had known yesterday, I had a late breakfast, It looks like rain." And my personal favorite: "It's Monday." She died a few years ago. We never did have lunch together.

Because we cram so much into our lives, we tend to schedule our headaches. We live on a sparse diet of promises we make to ourselves when all the conditions are perfect! We'll go back and visit the grandparents when we get Steve toilet-trained. We'll entertain when we replace the living-room carpet. We'll go on a second honeymoon when we get two more kids out of college.

Life has a way of accelerating as we get older. The days get shorter, and the list of promises to ourselves gets longer. One morning, we awaken, and all we have to show for our lives is a litany of "I'm going to," "I plan on," and "Someday, when things are settled down a bit."

When anyone calls my 'seize the moment' friend, she is open to adventure and available for trips. She keeps an open mind on new ideas. Her enthusiasm for life is contagious. You talk with her for five minutes, and you're ready to trade your bad feet for a pair of rollerblades and skip an elevator for a bungee cord.

My lips have not touched ice cream in 10 years. I love ice cream. It's just that I might as well apply it directly to my stomach with a spatula and eliminate the digestive process. The other day , I stopped the car and bought a triple-decker. If my car had hit an iceberg on the way home, I would have died happy.

Now...go on and have a nice day. Do so mething you WANT to......not something on your SHOULD DO list. If you were going to die soon and had only one phone call you could make, who would you call and what would you say? And why are you waiting?

Have you ever watched kids playing on a merry go round or listened to the rain lapping on the ground? Ever followed a butterfly's erratic flight or gazed at the sun into the fading night? Do you run through each day on the fly? When you ask "How are you?" Do you hear the reply? When the day is done, do you lie in your bed with the next hundred chores running through your head?

Ever told your child, "We'll do it tomorrow." And in your haste, not see his sorrow? Ever lost touch? Let a good friendship die? Just call to say "Hi?" When you worry and hurry through your day, it is like an unopened gift....Thrown away. ... Life is not a race. Take it slower. Hear the music before the song is over. I cherish our friendship and appreciate all you do. "Life may not be the party we hoped for... but while we are here, we might as well dance!"

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The Story About Needing a Wash

Some of you wanted to know the story about the wash in reference to the letter that I wrote to my friend. So, here it is for you.


A little girl had been shopping with her Mom in Target. She must have been 6 years old, this beautiful red haired, freckle faced image of innocence. It was pouring outside. The kind of rain that gushes over the top of rain gutters, so much in a hurry to hit the earth it has no time to flow down the spout. We all stood there under the awning and just inside the door of the Target.

We waited, some patiently, others irritated because nature messed up their hurried day. I am always mesmerized by rainfall. I got lost in the sound and sight of the heavens washing away the dirt and dust of the world. Memories of running, splashing so carefree as a child came pouring in as a welcome reprieve from the worries of my day.

The little voice was so sweet as it broke the hypnotic trance we were all caught in "Mom let's run through the rain," she said. "What?" Mom asked. "Lets run through the rain!" She repeated. "No, honey. We'll wait until it slows down a bit," Mom replied. This young child waited about another minute and repeated: "Mom, let's run through the rain,". "We'll get soaked if we do," Mom said. "No, we won't, Mom. That's not what you said this morning," the young girl said as she tugged at her Mom's arm.

This morning? When did I say we could run through the rain and not get wet? "Don't you remember? When you were talking to Daddy about his cancer, you said, 'If God can get us through this, he can get us through anything!" The entire crowd stopped dead silent. I swear you couldn't hear anything but the rain. We all stood silently. No one came or left in the next few minutes. Mom paused and thought for a moment about what she would say.

Now some would laugh it off and scold her for being silly. Some might even ignore what was said. But this was a moment of affirmation in a young child's life. A time when innocent trust can be nurtured so that it will bloom into faith. "Honey, you are absolutely right. Let's run through the rain. If GOD let's us get wet, well maybe we just needed washing," Mom said.

Then off they ran. We all stood watching, smiling and laughing as they darted past the cars and yes, through the puddles. They held their shopping bags over their heads just in case. They got soaked. But they were followed by a few who screamed and laughed like children all the way to their cars. And yes, I did. I ran. I got wet. I needed washing.

Circumstances or people can take away your material possessions, they can take away your money, and they can take away your health. But no one can ever take away your precious memories...So, don't forget to make time and take the opportunities to make memories everyday. To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven. I HOPE YOU STILL TAKE THE TIME TO RUN THROUGH THE RAIN.

A Letter to My Friend

I wrote this letter to my friend about a year ago, and I thought it would be good to share it with you on my blog today. I have been on a journey of self-discovery for over the past two years and among one of the many turning points happened in July 2007. I discovered the true connection of the Soul, Divinity and Nature. I realized the impact of letting go of emotional past pains; and the power of choosing positive thoughts and feelings every single second of your life. There is still so much to learn, and just like how I found this old letter, it reminded me to remain steadfast to my new knowledge of how to live a life worth living.

My Dearest Friend,

Thanks for the story about needing a wash. I've read it before and it's nice to read it again. It's a good story about perspectives. You are the one who decides whether the moments in your life are good or bad, with the choices you make. Believe it or not, you have a choice every single minute whether you want to be happy or not. I choose to be happy, therefore I am happy.

I do not allow anything negative to enter my life, or to bother me anymore. But most of all, I do not allow any negative emotions to reside in me. There is absolutely no benefit and it's of no use! Let go of all negative emotions and pain you ever had. Let it go.... you don't need it. Forgive the people who caused all that pain because they simply didn't know better. Forgive them 100% and you must forgive yourself 100% also. And then, begin to love yourself 100%!!!! From now onwards, focus on good things only and what keeps you happy all the time....

I love the way I live my life now. Everyday is exciting and I know the next day will be too. Because that is what I choose to believe in and look for thebeauty and miracles that are happening around me all the time. You life just becomes one magical journey and nature shows the miracles it can do. It's really wonderful living, enjoying every moment and experiencing life with the full range of emotions focusing only on the good things about life. Anything potentially negative is viewed as a lesson of how not to go there again and what was the lesson to be learnt. Then, continue life constantly challenging yourself to see only the love and peace that you want. As you can see, I am a different person now and I have a lot to say.

Yes... I need to write a book and have begun to write away. I just wish my hands could keep up with the speed of my brain. But because my brain is so activated, I have so many new ideas and solutions to do so many things all the time, that it's hard to keep up sometimes. Since my life is dedicated to the good things only and how to get people to enjoy this journey too, I have so much to do and time is only filled up with good things only. I am able to say no gracefully to things that do not match with my purpose of life because I love myself and value myself that much. My life is too important and I have a destiny to befulfilled. Yes, I know what's the purpose of my life and I'm going after it. Even though I don't know HOW I'm going to get there, it's my job to just stay focused in the vision I see and trust that my new flow and energy of life will get me there.

Well, I hope this makes sense to you and helps you in some way. So, my dearest friend.... let the love flow into your life with open arms and a big wide open heart. Fall in love with yourself truly and deeply. Absolutely cherish and respect the beautiful soul that is inside of you, for it was made perfectly for you. Choose to be true to your soul 100% by honoring it and treating it with the utmost respect it deserves.

Love Always, Shareen.

Quotes on Basics of Life


  • "Watch your manner of speech if you wish to develop a peaceful state of mind. Start each day by affirming peaceful, contented and happy attitudes and your days will tend to be pleasant and successful." -- Norman Vincent Peale

  • "Your attitude determines your altitude!" -- Denis Waitley"

  • A great attitude does much more than turn on the light in our worlds; it seems to magically connect us to all sorts of serendipitous opportunities that were somehow absent before we changed." -- Earl Nightingale

  • "If you envy successful people, you create a negative force field of attraction that repels you from ever doing the things that you need to do to be successful. If you admire successful people, you create a positive force field of attraction that draws you toward becoming more and more like the kinds of people that you want to be." -- Brian Tracy


  • "Life is part positive and part negative. Suppose you went to hear a symphony orchestra and all they played were the little, happy, high notes? Would you leave soon? Let me hear the rumble of the bass, the crash of the cymbals, and the minor keys." -- Jim Rohn

  • "I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars." -- Og Mandino

  • The seasons do not push one another; neither do clouds race the wind across the sky. All things happen in their own good time." -- Dan Millman


  • Show me a man who cannot bother to do little things and I'll show you a man who cannot be trusted to do big things." -- Lawrence Bell

  • "Morale and attitude are the fundamental ingredients to success." -- Bud Wilkinson

  • "The spirit of truth and the spirit of freedom - they are the pillars of society." -- Henrik Ibsen

Being The Best

  • "Striving for perfection is the greatest stopper there is…It’s your excuse to yourself for not doing anything. Instead, strive for excellence, doing your best." -- Sir Laurence Olivier

  • "Our deepest fear is NOT that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God: your playing small doesn't serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you." -- Nelson Mandela

  • "Things don't go wrong and break your heart so you can become bitter and give up. They happen to break you down and build you up so you can be all that you were intended to be." -- Charlie "Tremendous" Jones"

  • The greater the danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark." -- Michelangelo Buonarroti

  • "Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living and your belief will help create the fact." -- William James"

  • Within you right now is the power to do things you never dreamed possible. This power becomes available to you just as soon as you can change your beliefs." -- Dr. Maxwell Maltz"

  • Believe and act as if it were impossible to fail." -- Charles F. Kettering"

  • If you believe in what you are doing, then let nothing hold you up in your work. Much of the best work of the world has been done against seeming impossibilities. The thing is to get the work done." -- Dale Carnegie

  • "Everything you need for your better future and success has already been written. And guess what? It's all available." -- Jim Rohn

  • "Read something positive every night and listen to something helpful every morning." -- Tom Hopkins"

  • "There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate's loot on Treasure Island... and best of all; you can enjoy these riches every day of your life." -- Walt Disney

Choose to be Happy!

  • Life is too short not to enjoy it and too long to live miserable. Choose to be happy! Be proud of who you are, and where you are. You are important, you are Love, You are who you are meant to be.
  • Love is the only thing that is real. All emotions lead back to Love. All other emotions begin with Love. So, Love was the beginning and is the end.
  • Love is the true nature of being.
  • Our thoughts and feelings create our reality and we are responsible for our creations and how they affect the whole.