I wrote this letter to my friend about a year ago, and I thought it would be good to share it with you on my blog today. I have been on a journey of self-discovery for over the past two years and among one of the many turning points happened in July 2007. I discovered the true connection of the Soul, Divinity and Nature. I realized the impact of letting go of emotional past pains; and the power of choosing positive thoughts and feelings every single second of your life. There is still so much to learn, and just like how I found this old letter, it reminded me to remain steadfast to my new knowledge of how to live a life worth living.
My Dearest Friend,
Thanks for the story about needing a wash. I've read it before and it's nice to read it again. It's a good story about perspectives. You are the one who decides whether the moments in your life are good or bad, with the choices you make. Believe it or not, you have a choice every single minute whether you want to be happy or not. I choose to be happy, therefore I am happy.
I do not allow anything negative to enter my life, or to bother me anymore. But most of all, I do not allow any negative emotions to reside in me. There is absolutely no benefit and it's of no use! Let go of all negative emotions and pain you ever had. Let it go.... you don't need it. Forgive the people who caused all that pain because they simply didn't know better. Forgive them 100% and you must forgive yourself 100% also. And then, begin to love yourself 100%!!!! From now onwards, focus on good things only and what keeps you happy all the time....
I love the way I live my life now. Everyday is exciting and I know the next day will be too. Because that is what I choose to believe in and look for thebeauty and miracles that are happening around me all the time. You life just becomes one magical journey and nature shows the miracles it can do. It's really wonderful living, enjoying every moment and experiencing life with the full range of emotions focusing only on the good things about life. Anything potentially negative is viewed as a lesson of how not to go there again and what was the lesson to be learnt. Then, continue life constantly challenging yourself to see only the love and peace that you want. As you can see, I am a different person now and I have a lot to say.
Yes... I need to write a book and have begun to write away. I just wish my hands could keep up with the speed of my brain. But because my brain is so activated, I have so many new ideas and solutions to do so many things all the time, that it's hard to keep up sometimes. Since my life is dedicated to the good things only and how to get people to enjoy this journey too, I have so much to do and time is only filled up with good things only. I am able to say no gracefully to things that do not match with my purpose of life because I love myself and value myself that much. My life is too important and I have a destiny to befulfilled. Yes, I know what's the purpose of my life and I'm going after it. Even though I don't know HOW I'm going to get there, it's my job to just stay focused in the vision I see and trust that my new flow and energy of life will get me there.
Well, I hope this makes sense to you and helps you in some way. So, my dearest friend.... let the love flow into your life with open arms and a big wide open heart. Fall in love with yourself truly and deeply. Absolutely cherish and respect the beautiful soul that is inside of you, for it was made perfectly for you. Choose to be true to your soul 100% by honoring it and treating it with the utmost respect it deserves.
Love Always, Shareen.
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