Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Thursday, October 28, 2010
Creators of Peace
The Creators of Peace (CoP) initiative was launched in 1991 at the Initiatives of Change conference centre in Caux, Switzerland by the Hon. Anna Abdallah Msekwa of Tanzania, a respected politician and leader of her country’s women’s organizations. In her inaugural speech, she urged everyone to “create peace wherever we are, in our hearts, our homes, our workplace and our community. We all pretend that someone else is the stumbling block…Could that someone be myself?”
CoP is now a global network of people working on different continents through Creators of Peace Circles, workshops, personal encounters, community building activities and international conferences - Caux, Switzerland ’91 and ’94, India 2001, Uganda 2005 and Australia 2009. A delegation attended the UN Women’s Conference in Beijing (1995).
- To engage women in their role as creators of peace at every level of society
- To promote the transforming dynamic of a change of heart, starting with oneself, as a primary tool of peace creation
- To pre-empt violence and despair by addressing the roots of conflict, in and around us
- To encourage and connect existing practitioners of peace building
- To raise awareness of the moral and spiritual prerequisite for effective social action
- To build just, caring and inclusive communities for all.
The Eternal Light longs to be incorporated in us,
longs to become a glowing candle into hearts
which are humble,
hearts which are open,
listening and obeying.
Hearts which are lovingly given to that Light.
When such hearts unite
the wheel of energy starts rotating
throwing them out into unknown distances
as a group and as an individual to unknown shores.
They may create order and peace then.
Grant us that we may become Peace-builders,
ultimately Peace-givers.
WHAT is the deepest value in your life?
Close your eyes, relax, breathe deeply and yawn.
Now focus on your deepest value, staying relaxed and find a single word that captures that quality.
Intently focus on the word for a minute and notice how you feel.
This can be your sacred word.
It is a word that speaks loudly from the core of your heart.
Maybe, the word was compassion... one of the strongest echoing of a heart united with others, seeking to understand, not to judge, to accept...
Or the word might be respect... respecting others for their path through life even if it does not accord with our own. Allowing others the freedom to be without condemnation, judgment or scorn.
Was love the word...the most powerful four letter word in our vocabulary... love is the total absence of fear and unity of all beings.
Truth is another high core word.. the truth of we really are. There is nothing greater than the truth.. nothing more sacred or true to our soul.
Another important aspect of love is gratitude... being grateful for all you have... for all that has happened for your greater good.
Or might the word have been kindness... peace... oneness...
If we take a few moments each day to reflect upon and to tune into our deepest values then we will bring more love and peace into our own lives and, therefore, into those who share our journey and into the world at large.
Let these deep values become our core beliefs of who we are in the world.
Let them replace the false beliefs, the limited views and thinking that we have taken on board.
And let them take us into love which is where we belong.
Away from fear where we do not belong.
In our hearts we find the sacred. Let it be.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
FACED with a wishing well and we had one wish for all humanity what would it be?
What would you and I wish for?
For world peace... for an end to hunger... for unity... for joy... for happiness... for all aspects of love.
But all that we yearn for in our heart would come about if each and everyone on the planet loved themselves....
... loved themselves enough so that this love would be radiated outwards.
With self love in abundance comes the bonus of an open heart.
And with the bonus of an open heart comes a life of love... and when people love there can be no war, there can be no division, there can be no hunger, there can be no greed.
The love of the soul melts the personality of the ego.
When we go into that place inside of us where our own soul lives we do not think about the next pay check, the next flashy car or the next gold necklace.
We just revel in who we are.
We stand still... we stop and we reach that AHA moment in our own consciousness.
It is in that moment that the only thing that matters is love.
It is in that realization that the most important thing is how much I love you... and how much love I have in my own heart to make those wishes come true.
The dream starts to take shape.
We start to do work that improves not only ourselves but also makes the lives of others so much better.
We reach out to others... we bless them with our own loving heart... and give them permission to open theirs so that their own light and love can shine in the world.
We can say I LOVE YOU... with conviction... with purpose.
And it matter only that we are able to say it.. that we are able to feel it... and we are able to be the love that we so much wish to see in the world.
So take your wish.
You could wish for the next car... for the next job... or the pretty girl or boy.
But all this is trivial.. is so unimportant when we align it to the wish that is incumbent in our soul.
It is the wish of LOVE... pure love... unconditional love..the ability to see the beauty and truth and goodness in everyone. Yes, everyone.
And to reach that AHA moment.
Yes, that AHA moment when we can see the beauty of the universe in our fellow man or woman... and in so doing see it a reflection of all that we are.
We are at home.
We are in the garden of love.
We are love.
Yes, dear and beautiful friend.. do open your heart and share.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Interfaith Peacebuilding

Sunday, August 29, 2010
Quotes and Thoughts
If you want to see the heroic, look at those who can love in return for hatred.
—Bhagavad Gita
Monday, June 21, 2010
My Work
- International Organization for Migration (IOM)
- International Fellowship of Reconciliation (IFOR)
- Women Peacemaker's Program
- Living Values Education Program (ALIVE)
- Faith Regen Foundation (UK)
- MADE in Europe
Sunday, May 2, 2010
I would like to share with you,
my friend Harold's message:
Founder’s Global Love Day Address
May 1, 2010
Welcome Dear Friends to Global Love Day 2010,
This is a precious and essential moment on our beautiful planet as we gather around the world today in a unified expression of unconditional love. In every nation and in each culture, we come together as one heartbeat sharing the love that is our true and natural collective potential.
We choose on this day to embrace ourselves and each other and to celebrate our extraordinary humanity.
From the great oceans, vast plains and highest mountains that sustain our fragile and vital ecosystem, to our village friends and city dwellers that bring meaning to our common journey, we are quickly realizing that everyone and everything is interconnected and interdependent.
With each passing day, it is also increasingly evident in every corner of our world that great change is upon us and that by standing together in mutual respect, honor and dignity for one another, we will answer this call with creative, viable and sustainable solutions.
We must take the necessary steps now to reach out to our fellow humans and extend our hand in forgiveness, acceptance and genuine friendship. Our choices shall be made from compassion while embracing the richness of our amazing diversity.
The love and acceptance we have for ourselves will be the source of our strength to assist others. Together we can and will make a difference through love.
These necessary changes may challenge us to the depths of our courage and test the very essence of our personal character, yet with each ensuing breath we shall remain in love and this love will be the very basis of a new era of peace and abundance, equality and goodwill for all.
You are powerful beyond measure and have come together at this remarkable time to share your incredible wisdom, creative nature, and unconditional love, and we extend our heartfelt appreciation to each of you.
We welcome you to our seventh annual Global Love Day.
Love, light and peace,
Harold W. Becker
Founder and President
The Love Foundation, Inc.