Thursday, October 28, 2010


I tune into the deepest values of my life...I find words that represent the truth of the highest vision of myself. These are my sacred words and they are the language of my heart. Let it be.

WHAT is the deepest value in your life?

Close your eyes, relax, breathe deeply and yawn.

Now focus on your deepest value, staying relaxed and find a single word that captures that quality.

Intently focus on the word for a minute and notice how you feel.

This can be your sacred word.

It is a word that speaks loudly from the core of your heart.

Maybe, the word was compassion... one of the strongest echoing of a heart united with others, seeking to understand, not to judge, to accept...

Or the word might be respect... respecting others for their path through life even if it does not accord with our own. Allowing others the freedom to be without condemnation, judgment or scorn.

Was love the word...the most powerful four letter word in our vocabulary... love is the total absence of fear and unity of all beings.

Truth is another high core word.. the truth of we really are. There is nothing greater than the truth.. nothing more sacred or true to our soul.

Another important aspect of love is gratitude... being grateful for all you have... for all that has happened for your greater good.

Or might the word have been kindness... peace... oneness...

If we take a few moments each day to reflect upon and to tune into our deepest values then we will bring more love and peace into our own lives and, therefore, into those who share our journey and into the world at large.

Let these deep values become our core beliefs of who we are in the world.

Let them replace the false beliefs, the limited views and thinking that we have taken on board.

And let them take us into love which is where we belong.

Away from fear where we do not belong.

In our hearts we find the sacred. Let it be.

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