As we gather together on this symbolic day, we acknowledge and celebrate our universal humanity while sharing the song of our common heartbeat. This is a profound and spectacular moment to be alive as both participant and witness to an amazing transformation and return to love on our precious planet.
The vastness of our world is rapidly becoming more intimate and we are quickly realizing the complexity of life can only be resolved through the simplicity of love. This love does not depend on words as it is readily felt from heart to heart. It is experienced in the forgiveness and compassion we offer to others and the self acceptance we give ourselves. Respect, honor and dignity are the immediate and lasting impression while the ultimate expression is in the smallest gestures of kindness that change the destiny for so many.
We are the weavers of this love and are also intricately woven into the very fabric of life itself. Our magnificent earth is a living example of this innate and natural love and it is our great fortune to be the stewards and examples of unconditional love towards all living things. Coming together like a grand tapestry, our diverse interconnectedness and interdependence is the very thing that unites us as one.
We all share a common, universal bond of amazing potential through love and each of us makes a profound difference just by being who we are. The ideas we entertain in our consciousness today are the seeds of a future yet to be made. And when love is the key component of each thought and feeling, a truly beautiful world is born.
This time is not without extraordinary challenges as we move forward, yet love endures the most difficult circumstances and still remains as love. There is great strength in intimacy, incredible opportunity with courage, and, as we lead by the example of love, we walk together with all.
Welcome everyone to our eighth anniversary celebration of Global Love Day.
Love, light and peace,
Harold W. Becker
Founder and President
The Love Foundation, Inc
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